Use Policy

    Empowered Use Policy

    I understand that using school owned digital devices (both at school and at home) and the Lanesville network is a privilege, and when I use them according to the Empowered Use Guidelines I will keep that privilege. Specifically, I will…

    • Take care of my device. (Return my device in the same condition as it was issued to me)
    • Come prepared to class everyday (device is charged and working, homework is completed).
    • Use digital devices, networks, and software in school for educational purposes and activities.
    • Keep my personal information (including home/mobile phone number, mailing address, and user password) and that of others private
    • Show respect for myself and others when using technology including social media
    •  Give acknowledgement to others for their ideas and work
    • Report devices that are not working properly (including those that are damaged or broken) to technology staff immediately
    • Report inappropriate use of technology immediately

    Our new Empowered Use Policy was designed to do just that, empower our students to utilize technology and learn about how to embed it in their learning process.  These are guidelines that can apply to a wide array of situations that might arise at our school.  Please know that not all situations can be anticipated beforehand, but these guidelines should inform both students and parents about our expectations as a school corporation.